30 years experience leading high-trust teams and a passion for the Kingdom of God.

Me at the flipchart in 2004, on my way to…

I’ve always focused on people over results, because when people were my focus, the good results followed. In my late 20’s, I came to trust Jesus, and soon my identity as shepherd-leader grew. The things I learned on Sunday impacted my leadership throughout the week. Love. Compassion. Care. Kindness. Leading by serving. Picking up the broom and lifting spirits. What I discovered is - the more I cared for my people and created an environment where team members cared for one another - the more we got done.  We operated more smoothly, experienced more joy,  pursued the mission with greater passion, and my people stayed engaged. When we didn’t get it right, grace was extended, hard conversations had, and forgiveness found a way forward and with it, momentum continued to build. 

This is teamness. 

Today, my wife, Debbie, and I lead a non-profit bearing that name - Teamness - and we have three areas of focus:

  1. Pastor Getaways - free stays on our peaceful hobby farm just outside Nashville, TN for pastors and their spouses.

  2. Team Retreats - design, hosting and facilitation of ministry team retreats.

  3. Ministry Leadership Coaching - I work with a small number of humble, highly committed leaders and teams who want to achieve better results by changing the way they work together.

The Teamness story.

I recently preached “Overcoming Our Excuses” as part of the sermon series based on Pastor Matt Keller’s book, Donkey Mission: What’s the Point? Thanks to Pastors Devin and Ashley Webb of Connect Church for this opportunity.

VIDEO: What’s the Point?: Overcoming our Excuses

Donkey Mission Week 3

What Others Say

Evan is the kind of leader I want to learn from—compassionate, kind, and more than anything else, he wants to pour in to people. He is focused and strategic in his retreats, but adds the perfect amount of fun and team bonding to feel like you’re not just moving the organization forward, but also hanging out with great friends. Any and every kind of team can benefit from a retreat with Evan. You will walk away with a clear vision for the future and the tools to help you get there!


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