Uncomfortable as I am with AI, I must explore.
Evan McBroom Evan McBroom

Uncomfortable as I am with AI, I must explore.

As I’ve nearly reached my dad’s retirement age, (but am still going strong), I realize at times, my resiliency for new technology is waning. And that is how I find myself watching the conversation unfold regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI).

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When Excellence Isn’t Excellent
Evan McBroom Evan McBroom

When Excellence Isn’t Excellent

“Excellence honors God and inspires others.” If you’ve served on a church staff, you’ve probably heard this mantra. Made famous by Willow Creek and adopted by many churches, it sounds amazing, but is it always?

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#3: Always Lead with Relationships
Evan McBroom Evan McBroom

#3: Always Lead with Relationships

Many teams lead with tasks, kicking off their meetings with, “Let’s get started talking about what we have to do?” Teamness teams lead with relationships, kicking off their meetings with…

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“Evan is the kind of leader I want to learn from—compassionate, kind, and more than anything else, he wants to pour in to people. He is focused and strategic in his retreats, but adds the perfect amount of fun and team bonding to feel like you’re not just moving the organization forward, but also hanging out with great friends. Any and every kind of team can benefit from a retreat with Evan. You will walk away with a clear vision for the future and the tools to help you get there!”

— Erika Soerens, Project Manager and former teammate